Into the future, how will you decide to operate your business, manage your important projects or run your life?
Will it be well thought out or chaotic? Will it be on time and within budget or delayed and asking for more funds?
How often do you find yourself disappointed? Frustrated. Even questioning why you are spending time on this project?
Working with and managing people begins with setting expectations, mutual goals and shared responsibilities. Is your project or life at stake?
Look around your work environment. What do you see?
Is it all in order and does it look tidy and clean? Or, are you wondering who will be doing what next as you operate with clutter across your workspace and wonder where your iPhone is?
So what!
“At every turn, you can sense that, somehow, the critical fabrics of trust that have been woven together for thousands of years and that allow us to live in social systems are unsteady, trembling, and fragile. It is as true in our national governments, corporate boardrooms, and compliance programs as it is in our interactions with sales clerks and neighbors.
Decisions you take as a leader are questioned more intensely. As a team member, business analyst, armchair investor, or family financial officer, you have become more reluctant to accept the decisions of others. Blind faith is no longer an acceptable justification to lead others in a charge over the hill, or a basis on which you choose to follow others. Why is trust under attack at so many levels, across so many economies, and in so many routine, ordinary decisions through which we live our lives?” —Achieving Digital Trust: The New Rules for Business at the Speed of Light. ©2015 by Jeffrey Ritter
Before you decided to change your future ways, this was your life.
Over the course of your particular future time line, how will you improve? Are you meeting your deadlines and the expectations of those you choose to operate with?
Do others trust you?
This is your opportunity to now answer yourself, “Yes” or “No”.
Again, look around you and what do you see?
The future of your life will continuously depend on “Who is to your left and “Who” is to your right.
Do you trust your fellow team mate with your particular mission today? Will you give them the trust to accomplish their work and their tasks towards achieving success?
Now, you have the true opportunity ahead of you. Continuously “Build Trust” with those you love and those who are on your shared mission…
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