13 June 2020

Finding Ender: Leaders Undiscovered in 2030...

Our global institutions in the public and private sectors are adapting to the change precipitated by the Covid-19 pandemic.  The U.S. government is five months away from a Presidential election.  Our United States, are being challenged with a spectrum of known threats and emerging adversaries in both the physical realm and ever so pervasive in our digital domains.
"On its face, Ender’s Game is an engrossing and diverting story of heroism for science fiction fans. But it is more than that; it is also a parable for defense policymakers who are confronting the multifaceted problem set of recruiting, training, educating, and retaining military personnel capable of fighting and winning the Nation’s wars in a time of technological change and international volatility."

Finding Ender: Exploring the Intersections of Creativity, Innovation, and Talent Management in the U.S. Armed Forces -By Susan F. Bryant and Andrew Harrison
  • 2a : a state of hostility, conflict, or antagonism
  • b : a struggle or competition between opposing forces or for a particular end
It is a challenging world we live in here on planet Earth right now, in June of 2020.  Yet one factor we must not lose sight of, is our true abilities to Understand, Decide and Act.

Our nation and our leaders can achieve new levels of creativity.  The ability to remain proactive and to find new answers to new found problem-sets.  In the heart of almost every human, is the desire to contribute.  The sense of purpose each day that gives a person hope.

If you are a Leader somewhere, in a "Capital City" or on the front lines in an austere environment on earth or in space, you must remain vigilant.  We are counting on you for our countries future and for our children.  Those young minds who are yet to know what their real role will be in life.

When you look into the eyes of a new born baby, in their first week of life, what do you see?

You see the beginning of a person who is ready to learn.  A person who is absent of bias.  A person who is without any skills.  A person who is without ambitions.

This new born baby is ready to be the next Curie, Chodos, Hadid, Thatcher, Allen, or Amos.

This new born baby is ready to be the next Einstein, Picasso, da Vinci, Lincoln, Tyson, or Mandella.

This person is capable of being so creative and becoming a true contributor with purpose, if only we will allow it.

In the year 2030, what will our world be focused on?

How will we change the way we utilize our institutions of learning, our military and our governments to provide the systems and the environments for the innovations of our next generations?

Godspeed Colin!

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