11 January 2020

Davos 2020: Culture in a Complex, Interdependent World...

"No institution or individual alone can address the economic, environmental, social and technological challenges of a complex, interdependent world"...
In 9 days, leaders on the planet Earth will be converging on Davos, Switzerland for the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting. What will this years pressing themes tell us, about what is on the minds of Presidents, CEOs, Managing Directors, Chief Information Security Officers, Chief Risk Officers, Generals, Secretarys and Activists?

Davos 2020 will be focused on the following four themes:

__1. How to address the urgent climate and environmental challenges that are harming our ecology and economy.

__2. How to transform industries to achieve more sustainable and inclusive business models as new political, economic and societal priorities change trade and consumption patterns.

__3. How to govern the technologies driving the Fourth Industrial Revolution so they benefit business and society while minimizing their risks to them.

__4. How to adapt to the demographic, social and technological trends reshaping education, employment and entrepreneurship.

If you only could pick one of these four very important issues facing our global societies, which would you feel you have the most ability to impact, with your own organization?

Got it?  Now, think about how your organization will change, in order to make a greater difference in that particular theme you have selected.

The culture in your organization is going to be the difference between your ability to succeed, or to be soon facing failure.  As a leader, how will you continuously adapt to your human culture, just as Davos is addressing our interdependent world?

How might you change the way you are "Visible" to your stakeholders?  Why are you the one they "Trust", to achieve organizational objectives?

You see, you are not as visible as you think you are.  You are not as trusted as you think you are.

Your organization needs you, to step out and really show them who you really are.  They need to see, hear and read about the collective mission.  Their respective purpose, for being present today.

Culture.  As a leader, it is all on you...

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