What is your new destination? How will you get there?
The business climate in your particular industry is adapting to the latest global change upon us in 2025. What are you implementing now, that will change the processes, business rules and positive outcomes for you in the foreseeable future?
Creative activities to adapt to your particular new approach to customers, clients and followers requires new thinking. It may achieve your primary destination, yet how long will it take to arrive?
As you “Go-to-Market” in your particular industry sector in 2025, what new innovations and strategies will be in place? Have you thoroughly prototyped your solutions and discovered their results? What have you learned?
Was your industry launched in 1903 at Kitty Hawk, NC or Dearborn, MI? Your business is going to require more than one “Maverick” to achieve your future destination on a timely basis.
You will require exponential unconventional thinking. People who are “Nonconformist”, “Dissenting” and “Iconoclastic”.
How many years have you been running your business this way? In the same cities, with the same labor pools, absent of any new thoughts of creativity.
When was the last time you financed a new product launch with a brand new sales force?
Perhaps you have a tradition of doing business with the same old Legal Counsel, Accounting firm, or hosting systems of Information Technology services. Are you using the same suppliers for talent acquisition? Look where you are today.
"Are you capable of creating a new “Business Unit,” that will shed the past and test the future of your organization and your industry? Then do it."
The future of your business and our country requires it. Your particular contributions to our economic livelihood, persistence and longevity, needs your new ingenuity and continuous resilience.
Head out there.
Explore. Adapt. Learn.